• the day started hot...really hot...im not used to the extreme heat since its always raining in washington...i could barley get out of bed...i took a shower...i collasped in it for some reason...i managed to pull myself up and turn it off...i got out went into my room..i put on some clothes...i went outside...i was wondering why i wear shorts in the snow and pants in the summer...i walked down to our bottom property...its like a wasteland down there...dry and dead tall grass...i walked on our big mountainis hill...we have hay on the side of it for archery practice...i jumped down onto the hay falling off forgetting the hills steep...i hit the ground with a really hard impact...i was laying there head facing the side....i couldnt get up...i guess i didnt wanna move cause i was to hot...but i was burning up like a b***h...i felt one of the hay bell thing hit my back...i guess it knocked me out...next thing i knew i woke up to my rotweiller and neufendland hound/rotweiller sloberin me to death...i was kinda pissed that the hay bell fell on me and that it knocked me out....i pushed it off and got up...it was still blazin hot out....a whole bunch of dust was kicked up because of my dogs so i was like choking on it...i fell on my knees and prayed for a miracle to get me outa the sun...then my neufendland draged me outa the sun and into our sprinkler...that was up a huge hill again and that hill was like 500ft away...me and my neufendland were always best buddys though so he was like the coolest...thats not even the worst of my day though...

    next once i was in the sprinkler for a long time i got up and was glad to be soaking wet...i walked into our house to drink some water and my mom decides to make me do yard work... im pickin up our yard in the sun...while my sister gets to hang around our couch eatin otter pops all day......man i was jealos....but it made things worse cause i was moving so slow...i eventually got it finished and i have this super slick and smooth tree i always climb...i climbed it...and i fell out and was thinking "WHY THE ******** AM I THE TARGET TODAY!!!!"...i landed on a handle of our maul...and i found out its supposed to be this hot out all week!!!!!!

    SO I THINK IM SO ******** SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!