- Things haven't been the same since my mom died last summer. I've been recovering from a mental breakdown i've kept to myself. I've been deeply depressed. And, I've been trying to start recovering from all this, but so far, have had no success. I'm over in a new state, go to a new school, left behind my friends, and keep getting picked on. But, I try to fight back. We're moving to North Carolina in June, Leaving behind my friends, Again. I'm sick of being pushed around, so I just sit on the bench at recess, and if anyone wants to go a round with me, I'm ready. Back at my old school, I was called " Old Iron Knuckles" because I could beat anyone up if I had a reason to. I know seven different ways to fight. If you belive me, which hardly anybody does, please vote. bye.

- Title: One Kid's Hope
- Artist: lolbot109
This is the story of how I found hope in my life.
I Hope you enjoy.
This is a true story.
Please vote. - Date: 05/02/2010
- Tags: kids hope
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