- The child screamed at the top of it's lungs hoping that their voice would be heard only to be ignored and teased instead sensitive as it was the child decided to push them all away trust no one love no one be friends with no one be all alone. The child pushed away the innocent with their words even though they didn't want the innocent to go away they all went away anyway in nthe end the child wondered that if everyone was all going to just go away why did they even try when they were going to do it anyway? Stupid ignorant humans who fear anything they don't understand since it's only natural to feel that way right? Natural boring typical humans will always stay the same to the very end. The child tried not to care about it anymore but it failed. It cried when no one was looking frowned when it appeared to be smiling and was neutral when you could hear the child's laugh if you aren't happy the innocent will worry and that would be very unbearably annoying. there were times when the child played the role of a terrible person and was hated by others. tears that cannot be seen crys that cannot be heard problems that will never show the child built a personality as a shield and words as a sword ever so often the past still haunts it . The child was born into the world alone and died out of the world alone.

- Title: The world we live in
- Artist: Minxess
- Description: cruel world
- Date: 06/14/2012
- Tags: world live
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