Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- To Fly by Hentai Haven
- I need to step into the sun
- If You and I by FoundInSong
- I wrote this as an "entry sign" of sorts for my profile, then later decided I liked it enough to enter it. Please comment. All thoughts, good and bad, are appreciated. If you like it, check out my other pieces of writing! I a...
- doesn't matter how hard I try by xXImaAussieXx
- No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to fly
- Death of an Old Seaman by nammy124
- about died Seaman that died in the sea
- The Volatility of Tension by catgame21234
- enjoy
- Broken Mind, Broken Spirit by MyMindIsAWeapon
- I wrote this for an assignment. Had to do with Copper Sun.
- Warriors: everytime we touch by jayfeather00
- found on www.youtube.com
- Expression by Husk3
- End with a bow by xXMistress RavenXx
- Not the best written, but I like it (:
- The Unnoticed by PhoxyKat
- I have become recently deceased inside.
- The Abyss by Psyko EMoKid
- I used to write petry alot,and this is just a taste of what I did.
- Three sweetest words by lcindyl
- A poem about my love and foreverness Cmg23.
- Pain by Oh you dont say
- i wrote this in the middle of the night, sorry its so distubing. I'm not crazy I swear! oh feedback plz! constructive criticism would be nice :)
- The Bat by The Mad Land Monarch
- This is the second song that I wrote for a Metal Alice in Wonderland album I want to make. Jabberwocky is the first. Tell me what you think of the song or the album idea.
- 1f 3v3ryth1ng W@$ P3rf3ct by Watashi No Kami No Kaze
- This is how I would describe perfection.