• I'm 3
    Running from what?
    I look back.
    5, 6, or 7 solders in armer chasing me
    I don't know why.

    I run up a spirel staircase
    up, up, up
    there seems to be no end.

    I come to a light.
    It's a balkany.
    I turn around squeezing my teddiebear tightly
    The solders are surrounding me
    what are they doing?

    One holds my head back.
    another 2 holding my arms.

    On opens my mouth
    Another takes my tounge
    he takes out a small knife
    Next thing I knew blood was everywere

    I'm not dead
    I try to talk
    I can't

    The men leave
    I open My mouth nothing
    Just a pond of blood.