One day, maybe one day, I will rule the world. I would sssstttttttaaaaaarrrrvvvvvvveeeee all the hatered and bbbbrrriiinnnggg all the joy. People walking, street by street together....
That would leave me, oh pitty me, oh stupid me yes, Max is me all alone. For everyone loves someone but me....
No one would thank me, no one to bless me. For I am a bad ruler of the world. I want to start out walking and never look back at the world that I no longer live in. People wouldn't care if I was gone because..... I.... am.... me....
One day, yes just one day, I would live in the sea. But still there would be no love for me....
The sea creatures sniggering, the sea creatures giggling for I would not be me. I would feel like walking to the sun and dying....
One day, of course one day, I will live is heaven. But that day people up there will say to me "You do not belong" Because I was me and me was no one and......
One day, maybe one day, just on day, of course one day, PURPOSLY ONE DAY I WILL BEEEEEEEEE me....
nothing is better than being me, I just don'y if Im..... not.... me........
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