• Quiet
    The raindrops drumming on my rooftop are soft
    And quiet
    Like smooth pebbles
    Being dropped onto grass
    Grass green as an emerald
    But wet
    Wet with the raindrops
    Drumming ever so quietly on my rooftop
    Some drops start out in the ocean
    Or in a lake
    Then hitch a ride in the air
    Because it is too warm to stay down
    And rise up into the sky
    To create clouds
    Of every size, shape, and type
    Wispy, feathery
    Puffy, fluffed
    And finally stratus
    The cloud like a broad blanket
    Dark, frightening, gloomy
    Sadly, it starts to weep small, quiet tears
    Like one who cannot hold their feelings in any longer
    But does not want to show they are crying
    And try to hold the tears in
    But cannot
    Slowly, the cloud's weeping grows
    And the raindrops increase size
    And speed
    Sheets of water spill down
    Like transparent veils of silk being dropped down from the heavens
    Then as slowly as they had increased
    The tears start to decrease
    As if steadily descending down stairs
    Made especially for them
    Finally, the stratus cloud starts to empty
    But is filling to the brim with happiness
    For all its grief is being wrung out and washed away with the rain
    The rain that is now softly drumming on my rooftop