• love is like a mammoth sized explosion of feelings
    some we like
    some we hate
    some we could not even describe as hard as we try.
    our hearts
    empty at birth, empty at death
    can only take so much hurt, disapointment, regret.........even too much good.
    then we fall from the starry skies into the abyss that is our love story
    unless you are too innocent to even understand.........
    sometimes its age,
    maturity gaps,
    sometimes its cheating.
    sometimes stuff we would never utter to a soul, even those close to us.
    even after we fall from our former grace
    we scramble at the walls, those slippery walls of our enclosed cell of heartbreak
    looking and reaching for ropes that are not there
    and screaming
    for a little bit of love
    after the seemingly endless torment of our cell
    we push our hands and feet into the crevasses
    cutting our delicate yet toughened skin
    pull ourselves back up upon the past and the coming future
    dust ourselves off
    and lick our cuts and scrapes
    we start again
    just to find ourselves back in that abyss
    and screaming
    for a little bit of.......


    what is it anymore???

    tell me?

    what is it??