• "Love hurts. Boys lie. Friends cry. People die. Parents yell. You always try. You're never good enough. And you dont know why." ~ Unkown

    * Promises are made, but then people lie, and the promise is broken and others have to suffer...
    ...one tear I'll cry tommorow

    * People you lived with forever,people you love, you have to suffer without livivng with them when they die. For all the people I losted and loved...
    ...one tear I'll cry tommorow

    * My ears hurt from all the yelling,the fighting. Where is the love,the peace? Why do i cry over this stupid thing...
    ...one tear I'll cry tommorow

    * You try so hard to be someone your not. You try to be happy all the time. IS that good? Don't try that hard...
    ...one cry I'll cry tommorow

    *I cry for change,for hope,for love,for you. I cry because I care...
    ...my fifth tear I'll cry tommorow


    but today i cary one tear...a tear for my family. My family that I love and care so much for. My family,were one person is hurt,the hole family is too. My family is in a tuff spot now, i cry so we can live on and love eachother like nothing has happend...
    ...One tear I cry today.

    *It will soon be over,my tears dried from my face,a smile and laughter taken over..it will soon be over but for now...
    ...One tear I'll cry tommorow*