• When time seems to stop itself
    To glance at the sheer beauty
    Of one whose silhouette is bounded
    In the glaze of the earth from which its body surfaced;
    When the ability to draw air is blocked by the crimson
    emblem which pumps it's nectar throughout my awed vessel;
    When my eyes are transfixed, longing to attend with grace
    the form set before me with my fingertips, only to be given a slight
    shock of such virtuous splendor;
    When my inner being is riled with the courage of a king
    seeming to defy all odds and inner codes, especially those of which
    I cling to dearly;
    When I set my heights upon the platform of which I wish to send my soul
    merely to know what it is like to be sanctioned with such a being for only
    a second..

    That they are.. the one.