• The dinosaur whose feet hurt
    . . . the Pawsaresorus

    The singing dinosaur
    . . . the Repeatachorus

    The dinosaur who likeso be noticed
    . . . the Don'tignorus

    The dinosaur with a head like a mop
    . . . the Wipethefloorus

    The loyal dinosaur
    . . . The Alwaysforus

    The criminal dinosaur
    . . . the Lawessaurus

    The one that lights up the sky
    . . . the Auroaborealisaurus

    The dinosaur that's just been to the dentist
    . . . the Jawsaresorus

    The dinosaur who lies in dap caves
    . . . the Wallsareporus

    The footballing dinosaur
    . . . the Alwaysscorus

    The DIY dinosaur
    . . . the Hammernailandcopingsaus

    The dinosaur that likes puzzles
    . . . the Morejigsawus

    The dinosaur found in a bedroom
    . . . the Chestofdrawerus

    The dinosaur built from coloured plastic bricks
    . . . the Legosaurus

    The toyshop dinosaur
    . . . the ToysRusastaurus