• Written By: Jeffrey Davis Kirby (a true Libertarian at heart)

    The Liberty Chant

    I love this country
    Oh God, Don’t you know
    It was founded freely
    And, I wish it stayed so

    I know there was bad
    Back when we started
    But I can live with that
    Because what from we parted

    We left freedom back in the ditch
    We parted from liberty to be the “b***h”
    Of the world around us to which we bow
    We all forgot the homeland and its wow
    We forgot the fights to which we won
    We forgot how to be the country of love
    We no longer accept the truth of the sea
    Instead we pollute and throw “s**t” into thee
    I think we’ve come to be what we are
    Simply because we went too far
    Progress is good in some areas of life
    Where it is bad is where it destroys our rights
    We were meant to be a country of trust and love
    But what we became was a country of blood
    We were meant to be a country that is free
    But, when we wanted security we gave up liberty

    I think we can rewind
    I think we could stop
    All of the bad
    That we have done

    What we really need
    Is hope to be free
    The trust that we had
    Then will come back to be

    We left freedom back in the ditch
    We parted from liberty to be the “b***h”
    Of the world around us to which we bow
    We all forgot the homeland and its wow
    We forgot the fights to which we won
    We forgot how to be the country of love
    We no longer accept the truth of the sea
    Instead we pollute and throw “s**t” into thee
    I think we’ve come to be what we are
    Simply because we went too far
    Progress is good in some areas of life
    Where it is bad is where it destroys our rights
    We were meant to be a country of trust and love
    But what we became was a country of blood
    We were meant to be a country that is free
    But, when we wanted security we gave up liberty

    What we need now
    Is to keep the good things
    The things that we love
    And, do with our property

    We need to keep
    Discrimination illegal
    When we don’t
    We open the doors to evil

    We left freedom back in the ditch
    We parted from liberty to be the “b***h”
    Of the world around us to which we bow
    We all forgot the homeland and its wow
    We forgot the fights to which we won
    We forgot how to be the country of love
    We no longer accept the truth of the sea
    Instead we pollute and throw “s**t” into thee
    I think we’ve come to be what we are
    Simply because we went too far
    Progress is good in some areas of life
    Where it is bad is where it destroys our rights
    We were meant to be a country of trust and love
    But what we became was a country of blood
    We were meant to be a country that is free
    But, when we wanted security we gave up liberty

    Security is good is what they think
    Security is good I know it helps me
    What if the truth was instead
    Trading security for liberty will end in death

    The government will grow
    The individual will go
    All that will be left
    Is the plain old society

    We will all be one
    All will have to conform
    And, if you don’t
    You aren’t the norm

    That is the way
    That it will be
    Once you give up
    Your liberties

    We left freedom back in the ditch
    We parted from liberty to be the “b***h”
    Of the world around us to which we bow
    We all forgot the homeland and its wow
    We forgot the fights to which we won
    We forgot how to be the country of love
    We no longer accept the truth of the sea
    Instead we pollute and throw “s**t” into thee
    I think we’ve come to be what we are
    Simply because we went too far
    Progress is good in some areas of life
    Where it is bad is where it destroys our rights
    We were meant to be a country of trust and love
    But what we became was a country of blood
    We were meant to be a country that is free
    But, when we wanted security we gave up liberty

    Take back what you’ve lost
    Tell them you don’t care
    Tell them you want
    Them to be fair

    Take back you freedom
    Take back the pride
    Take back the country
    For which our grandfathers died

    Don’t let them win
    Don’t let them shut you up
    You have a voice
    And freedom won’t back up

    Show them what is good
    Show them what is bad
    Don’t let them teach you
    You already know their lands

    That took us where we are
    It left us in this drought
    The place where freedom wanes
    And we pout in doubt

    This country still is great
    This country can still bend
    For freedom shout your chants
    For freedom we will win

    Shout, Liberty, come back!
    Please hear my humble call!
    Liberty we need you!
    Without you we will fall…

    We want our lands
    We want liberty
    We want our lands
    And freedom to property

    We left freedom back in the ditch
    We parted from liberty to be the “b***h”
    Of the world around us to which we bow
    We all forgot the homeland and its wow
    We forgot the fights to which we won
    We forgot how to be the country of love
    We no longer accept the truth of the sea
    Instead we pollute and throw “s**t” into thee
    I think we’ve come to be what we are
    Simply because we went too far
    Progress is good in some areas of life
    Where it is bad is where it destroys our rights
    We were meant to be a country of trust and love
    But what we became was a country of blood
    We were meant to be a country that is free
    But, when we wanted security we gave up liberty