• No more thoughts to calm my nerves

    Filled with hate my mind has been

    Sharper than a rose's thorn

    Feeling stiff and cold within

    Though kindness can be heard from words

    Everyday your voice will speak

    I wish to hush the horrid sound

    Your mind to me is just too weak

    I cannot help the way I feel

    Incidents so small, they creep

    Eating at my sanity

    Locking me away from sleep

    I've dealt with this for far too long

    Acid blood and boiling rage

    Why can't you listen, be mature

    Turn your book to a brand new page

    Fear of losing what I have to learn

    And my sanity because of you

    I try to ignore your idiotic ways

    But thinking of anger is all I can do

    I've dealt with this for far too long

    Acid blood and boiling rage

    They tell me it will all end soon

    I've sat here longing for that day

    It has not come, and I can't wait

    From your presence I wish to be free

    In my mind appears more hate

    Take with you your stupidity

    For one does not need what they already have

    In this town so small

    Opinions shared, and no one's cared

    I've sat and waited for it all to fall

    Intelligence and common sense

    The lack of which hands me more fear

    Why must I be the only one

    To understand what future is near

    Walk away and never look back

    I try to keep from going insane

    Explosion is what you'll cause me to do

    You speak some more, you bring more pain

    I'll try to fight for all I've got

    But only one chance is left to give

    For my weakened mind will break and sob

    Through all the stress I have to live

    Because of you each year is hell

    I die a little more each day

    Because of you I've weeped, I've fell

    You've set my tortured mind astray

    I've dealt with this for far too long

    Acid blood and boiling rage

    Leave my sight and don't turn back

    From sanity I'd disengage

    Intelligence within your mind

    Each day becomes harder to find

    Just like courage to my soul

    I'll fight my way from this black hole