• I watched you
    Hang with your friends
    Then at night
    We kissed
    And made out
    Then one day
    The next day
    You sit by me
    At lunch
    Your friends
    Come over
    I wonder what
    They want
    You announce
    Right then and there
    That we're a couple
    I smile at you
    Your friends frown
    At me as if they
    Hate me but
    You just smile back
    At me then give
    Me a kiss right
    There in that
    Seat right there
    In front of all
    Your friends

    They ignored me
    But they sat with me
    And you became
    A perfect gentleman
    Then one day
    You left for vacation
    And we were
    Texting when you
    Said there was a problem
    I asked what but
    You never answered
    I called and cried
    As i watched the news
    And heard that your
    Plane crashed
    With no surviviors
    Then I knew
    You were gone
    You friends gave
    Me looks of sympathy
    And they still
    Sat with me
    But you were gone
    And so was my heart

    A few years
    Later I hear
    Another plane went down
    I think of you
    And I cry
    I never got to
    Say goodbye
    I had told
    You I loved you
    I told you
    You were the one
    But I never got to
    Say goodbye
    So I decided
    I would say hello
    To you again
    At that bright
    Light in the sky

    So I took a
    Knife and cut
    My wrist
    I cut the other
    One and
    Watched the blood flow
    Watched the show
    Then i grabbed it
    And slashed my neck
    And died that night
    I was greeted by
    You at the light
    You were sad
    I was glad
    I said goodbye
    Then hello
    You said no
    I said so
    You said why
    I said I
    Love you
    And i missed
    You and we
    Kissed and made up

    That night I died to be with you and when we were reunited we were happy as can be that now our love could continue. But I never got to say goodbye to all my friends and yours that I left behind. From that day forward i never said goodbye again i only said hello.