• Part I

    As I lay staring up at the stars, I had seen a black
    figure zipping across the Navy blue night.
    Suddenly the figure stopped, it looked back at me.
    As the black figure was looking at me, I could see its small
    eyes glowing red.
    As I slowly got up with my eyes still on the figure, I
    got up and slowly backed into a tree.
    The figure got closer and closer to me, I run down
    the hill, jumped across the stream, as I stopped on the
    other side, I looked back.
    Not seeing the figure behind me, I turn and there I was
    face to face with him, the grim reaper.
    Standing still, as still can be. I fell to
    my knees; the reaper raised his scythe and swung for
    my neck.
    Stopping an inch away from my neck, the reaper put the
    scythe back to his side.
    Then the reaper began rise, higher then the highest tree,
    and then flew off.
    He then stopped and turned back to me, with his small
    eyes staring at me once again, he points.
    And with a spine chilling laugh “RAHAHAHAH!” I saw a
    bright white light.
    When I woke up, I saw people standing around me with
    fear on their faces.
    I slowly sat up, noticing a blood trail up
    my leg and to my arm; I see the scythe just like the one
    the reaper had, stuck straight through my
    I pulled out the scythe and looked at the people and asked
    them why they are looking at me.
    As I walked, I stopped at a puddle and looking into it,
    as I saw my image, as the grim reaper.
    As I looked back, I laughed “RAHAHAHAH!”
    To Be Continued…?