• this pain i feel tears me from the inside out
    devouring my soul taking controll
    you cant see it-it lays just uner the surface
    behind my smile im slowly dying
    the beat of my heart makes it agony
    never getting better only getting worse
    pick up the clear tiny pebbles
    swallow them one by one till the last one falls
    they have no taste nor flavor yet they give my heart
    the slightest twinge and make me spill tears that to me
    are not clear but deep deep red
    this isnt just now but will be for eternity
    destorying my world breaking me down
    my body losing temperature slowly disinergrating
    it bears no pain even though my heart beat slows
    i can feel myself slipping never like described
    your vision never fades and neither do your senses
    but instead iy grows stronger everything more alive
    you gasp for breath it all too bright pulling you in
    drawing you in making you crave to join it you reach out
    waiting for them to turn around and take your heart
    but it never happens and your heart slowly breaks
    and then your hit by a multitude of colors
    you feel no rhythm you feel no beart trapped forever
    in a colorful yet colorless world