• Dear Dad,

    I don't believe you. I don't believe that you're sorry. I don't believe that you suddenly want to see me more. I don't believe you're sorry for missing my birthdays, for making me feel like I wasn't good enough, for making me feel like I was a bad daughter, for missing out on so much of my life. I don't believe you're sorry for any of that.

    I think you're sorry for yourself. I think you're sorry that you're lonely, that you have no one to love you anymore, now that Nicole is gone. I think you're sorry that you realize that you could be dead soon.

    I'M the one who is sorry Dad. I'M sorry that I couldn't make you love me. I tried Dad, I really did try. I tried SO DAMN HARD to make you love me when I was little. I guess you can't force anyone to love you though, right?

    Your biological daughter.