• I fake a smile
    Lying to the world
    That I'm okay

    My real feelings are burrowed
    Deep down inside
    My room and my journal
    Are the only places I can hide

    And I don't like
    This self-induced seclusion,
    And the person I pretend to be
    Is just an illusion

    I don't like
    To pretend
    Pretend I don't hate you
    Pretend I'm your friend

    And though
    I don't show it
    I'm hurt inside
    You just don't know it

    And though you can't see
    My pain deep inside
    You'll also never know
    All the times I've cried

    But I won't change who I am
    Because I know,
    In your standards
    I'll never be good enough

    So just go back to your
    And I'll go back to my
    But I won't ever
    Bow down to you