• *some of the greater things in life are unseen,
    thats why youu close yourr eyes when you
    DREAM . ♥

    Love is as much of an object as an obsesion,
    everyboddy wannts itt.
    Everybody seeks it.
    but feew ever acchievee it.
    those who do will cherish it,
    be lost in it,
    And among all,
    never . . NEVER forget itt. (LL)

    We are all a little weird,
    && life's a little weird,
    and when we find someone..
    whose weirdness is compatible with ours,
    we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness
    and call it love. ♥

    Love is never wanting to lose faith,
    never wanting to give up,
    and never truly moving on.
    Love is knowing and praying..
    in the deepest part of what's left of your heart,
    that they feel the same! heart