• You’re the one, who after all these years, all these damned, accursed years, has caused me to feel such anguish, such desperation. You don’t have a clue how much you’re distance and hatred towards me is killing me slowly from the inside. You have no idea how much wrath I put in to hating you, to hating you with my entire being until it wears me out. You don’t know the pain, the suffering that you’ve caused me to go through for all these miserable years. You can’t possibly imagine how much it pains me to realize that someone, of the same flesh and blood that’s in me, wants nothing to do with me, holds absolutely no love for me, and not even if you’re love were the size of a grain of sand. It slowly kills me inside to know that when I once told you that I loved you that my innocent words meant nothing to you, that I mean nothing to you. To you my life, my existence is meaningless, a waste of precious air, of precious space, you‘d rather have me dead than be alive, breathing in all that life has to offer. Nothing that I can say or do can change what you feel towards me, what emotions you harbor for my existence and that’s what saddens me the most. The fact that I’ve tried so hard, so damn hard, to win over you’re affections and I get nothing but a “That’s nice,” or a “Good for you,” is what drives me to the end of my days. Your hatred, among all other’s, will one day be the death of me and many others who will long for you to love them, as well, will die because of you’re distaste for them.
    You’re a murderer, plain and simple; nothing can stop you from destroying lives or breaking people from the inside to the outside with reckless abandonment. You’re like a poison, deceitful at first like there‘s nothing wrong with you, but when taken a better look at, and realized what you are, it’s too late to get away, because the poison has already spread through out the insides and it’s too late to be cured. You’ve killed another that same way and you don’t even care. You’re heartless, even Lucifer himself holds more emotion, more regret than you do. Lucifer’s a saint compared to you, to you and your demonic ways of spitting out your prey because, to you, they weren’t even worthy enough in the first place to be digested in that filthy, disgusting, repugnant body of your’s. Everything I once thought that was love that you were showing me has now been stomped on and thrown into a pit of unrelenting fire, that’s blazing just to destroy, has been replaced with thoughts of hatred, of revenge, of malice, and of malicious intent towards you, and in hopes that I, with my own two bare hands, will kill you for all the death that you’ve caused.
    I wait in the darkest of shadows for you to come out of your cozy abode so that I can finally live out my dream of destroying you on this never ending stormy, dreary day. It’s almost perfect in a way that I would be the one to kill you on a day such as this…