• The Watered Lilies

    The Master stood in His garden,
    Among the lilies fair
    Which His own right hand planted,
    And trained with his tend'rest care

    He looked at their snowy blossom,
    And marked with observant eye
    That the flowers were sadly drooping,
    For their leaves parched dry.

    "My lilies need to be watered,"
    The heavenly master said;
    "Wherein shall I draw it for them,
    And raise each drooping head?"

    Close to his feet on the pathway,
    Emty ,and frail,and small,An earthen vessel was lying,
    Which seemed no use at all;

    But if Master saw,and raised it
    From the dust in which it lay,
    And smiled,as He gently whispered,
    "This shall do My work today:

    "It is but an earthen vessel,
    But it lay so close to Me;
    It is small,but it is emty-----
    That is all it needs to be."

    So to the fountain He took it,
    And filled it full to the brim;
    How glad was the earthen vessel
    To be of some use to Him!

    the end
    Hope yall enjoyed wink it took me a long time to write it down sweatdrop