• I can't do this
    Pretend anymore.
    Act like everything is ok
    When nothing is.
    Like I don't hate you
    Like you don't hate me.
    We talk
    We laugh
    We kiss
    We wish
    We pretend
    To love
    Each other
    And everyone else
    Because that's what
    They want
    And nothing ever goes right.

    I despise you now
    I can't take it anymore
    I say I love you
    You say it to
    But we both know
    We don't
    We never will
    I'm done pretending
    Just because
    Everyone else
    Wants us to be
    Together forever

    I put a smile on
    When in public
    But in private,
    I lose it
    I cry
    I talk to myself
    Trying to figure
    This out
    I wish upon a star
    I pray to god
    I ask for a way out
    Without hurting you
    I don't care
    About you, you know?
    But you're a nice guy
    I used to like you
    But I can't do this anymore

    Nothing's working
    I can't do this
    I'm scared
    I'm tired
    The rope looks good
    The knife
    And the bridge
    What do I choose?
    Which way is the fastest?
    I don't want to choke
    I don't want the pain
    I think I'll jump
    To relieve myself of this pain.
    Tell them I'm sorry
    You're an awesome guy
    But my heart can't take this

    Late that night
    I walk to the bridge
    I get on the edge
    Then you show up
    You say you're sorry
    For everything you did
    You really care
    About me that is
    But I don't believe you
    There's a camera in the car
    You're looking good for the camera
    I smile then blow a kiss

    I jumped that night. Into the icy water. I didn't feel a thing. I saw you screaming. Maybe you really did care. But that doesn't matter. We can't undo our mistakes. And we can't wish someone back. Everyone faces these problems. Of wanting someone back. When you know they never will be there to hold you. Or love you. Or say everything's ok when it's not.

    I watched for years
    As you grew up
    You married a girl
    Had 3 kids
    But you never smiled.
    Not once.
    You carried guilt.
    And anguish
    You wish I would
    Of believed you
    But you know I wouldn't

    We all lose someone, at somepoint. But the question for you is, will you try to listen? Or will you wish, and wonder and pray to the stars, for that one person to come back. I know. I've been there. So have you. Don't wait for them. Go on. Live life and live life for them. Never take it for granted

    Saw you in the light
    We met
    We talked
    We lived with god
    With our families
    And we were finally happy
    In our fantasy world
    Our Happily. Ever. After.