• I set the world on fire
    Chaos ensues this land
    Fire ablaze
    Tree's burning
    Grass covered in the red and orange flames
    Sky the color of blood
    With a sun as black as night
    The dead lay fallen on the ground
    Swallowed by the flames
    Flesh burning flesh
    Bones becoming nothing but ashes
    Scattering in the wind
    As it makes the fire
    Grow stronger and stronger
    As the world continues to burn
    I to am eventually taken by the flames
    My skin burns and burns
    Until there is nothing left of me
    The ashes of my body scatter across this fiery hell
    That is now the world
    My soul now walks this place
    As punishment for the sin it has committed
    I smile
    Thinking I am the reason this world will burn
    As an eternal flame