• If you want me,
    Hold my hand,
    Walk with me,
    Across the land.

    Across the fields,
    And to the clouds,
    The sun shines off your face,
    You're so beautiful now.

    I want to hold you in my arms,
    Tell you that I'm yours...
    But I feel rejected...
    Like you want so much more.

    Can this really be?
    Am I not your everything?
    I begin to fall,
    As you continue floating...

    Into the tall grass,
    My body plummets & collides,
    You grace the sky with your skin,
    Then far away you fly.

    We could have been something...
    But I suppose maybe not...
    Because you never loved me...
    Despite what I thought.

    It's a beautiful day...
    As you soar alone.
    Forgotten I've fallen,
    All my broken bones.

    Tonight I'll cry,
    But at least you'll smile...
    I know you're happy,

    And that's ok...


    That's ok.