• so you hate me now. you changed the way you dress. you changed the way you talked. you changed the way you laughed and even the way you walked. yet something is not right because i stayed the same i dont rlly see how you get the right to tell me that im lame i dress the same way talk the same way laugh the same way and i even walk the same way and so i see you now and you pretend you dont see me if i try to say hello then i bet you'll try to flee and its funny tht you do i mean you have other people now and i can understand that why you went through the old everybody says but its just tht you have hurt me so like no one ever has and yes i hit a very new low so kick and punch and stab even more destroy all thts left me and so after you rip and tore i ask u to just let me be and mayve then i will understand wat theyve been trying to say and maybe those who offer a hand maybe unlike you theyll stay and ill be happy and singing again just like when you free but seriously now tht is far far from happening so far tht i cant see the light but also i say and also i vow tht i will never give up this fight and ill have to move then when i see you the world will lose all color and youl find something new just to make me feel smaller and its now tht i see yes i now understand ur the one whos not free and ur not so grand and all this because u wanted to change you see now tht the problem is tht youve become strange and now ive decided ur not wat i need ur cheap and ur shallow and ur ling in a greed and so everyday i will hit new low but ill be ok cause now i hate u so