• Him: Take this bouquet. It's for you.
    Her: I.. I can't. I just.
    Him: Don't worry. When all these roses die, that day I shall stop loving you.
    Her: Well I-
    Him: I won't chase you anymore, I'll stop trying to obtain something that wasn't meant to be mine. I'll forget you. You'll no longer be the name that lingers in my head every day and Goddamn night.
    Her: That day will come. I'm sure of it..

    That day never came, for all the roses in that bouquet vanquished, except one. There it was, that single rose glistening in the light. It's vinyl petal still attached stitch-by-stitch, connected to a hidden green-wrapped metal wire. The single rose that never died.

    Like his love, for her.