• tears of hate for the distance between us
    words to attempt to describe our passion
    my fingers lightly on the screen, wishing,
    wishing it was your cheek i was touching
    wanting so bad to hold you...be near you
    yet, here we sit...on our computers..with,
    nothing but hope...hope for the chance...
    the chance to be with each other...just...
    just once...that's all i ask, gods damnit..
    if i could just have one day...one day......
    one ******** day, is that so much?
    just....just please....i love her....i don't....
    i can't lose her, gods damn it! i just......
    i just can't.....don't take her away...not...
    not before i can hold her...show her how,
    how much i love her....i wouldn't be able,
    be able to take it....please don't take her
    away from me.....i need her...i couldn't..
    i couldn't bear it...i need her more than...
    more than i need air..more than anything
    more than the heart in my chest...
    more than i anything else....
    i need her...