If you say "Late Night Quizzes" really fast, it sounds like "Late Night Kisses" *giggles*
Yesh, after getting back from the hotel/bar and the fireworks show (which was actually more fun than I intended or though it would be *sly smile*) I came home and plopped down in front of my comp to check my account.
I gots bored and took some quizzes, which made me laugh. I love how the results are either totally me, tottaly wierd, or just plain funny.
Oh, and if your wondering what happend at the fireworks show... I'll tell you at the bottom of the page. ^^
What Kind of Anime Character are you? Result: YOU ARE ... MYSTERIOUS HERO! (Squall Leonhart from FFVIII [ff8])
 Take this quiz!
xd Oh YEAH, got the ladies falling all over me. OMG, is there NO female version to this?!
What Fullmetal Alchemist Boy Is For You? Result: You got Dun Da Da Dun,ED!(Don't know why we did this!)Oh, and whoop de flippin' dew!!!! &This author does not want to allow results from this to be copied to other sites.&
CHYEAH!!!! heart
What does your future look like as a FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST character? Result:
 Well Winry, your love for edward is undeniable, you are lucky to have found such a loyal man. you are able to hold your own and make things right all the time. Isn't that why you are a mechanic? enjoy your family, since you do have four kids with Ed plus twins on the way. don't worry about your figure, it hasn't changed too much.
Take this quiz!
O.o ... Four kids and twins on the way? With Ed?? ... Well if its MY future, then thats not so bad whee *Gets hit in side of head with rock* scream WHO THREW THAT? Oh...right, sorry sweatdrop I got distracted. Luv you KC sweatdrop
What Kind Of BackStabber Are You? Result: Wow, you're a backstabber? You seem so nice! And that's your secret: You're amazingly good at being sweet and friendly to people you despise, because you find it easier to ruin their lives if they don't suspect anything. We don't have any official proof of your backstabbing behavior, because you are good at covering up the evidence. If a close friend catches you doing the two-faced thing, they will probably never forgive you… but that's unlikely, because you almost always get away with it!

eek ONOZ... && My secret is out!!!! *runs away* xd Good thing heart I loves my friends heart and despise my enemies. evil Like Tanya... *gets evil look in eye*
What Would You Change Into? Result: You'd change into lime green fishnet stockings! This might seem like a strange response, but maybe that's appropriate, because you seem a little strange, too (in a GOOD way). Anyone can change into green fishnet stockings if they find a pair in their size, but you possess the impressive ability to actually become a pair. It's hard to imagine exactly how that would be useful, but you're so impulsive and energetic that we have a feeling you'll find a way. In your human form, you're probably an outrageous dresser who loves the spotlight. Either that, or your human side is kind of shy, and you turn into lime green fishnets when you want to feel wild.
&Sorry I forgot to add this. But I got this quiz from The N&
How Independent Are You? Result: Flying Solo From what we can tell, you have this "independence" thing down. You've got your own opinions, your own life, and you're comfortable with who you are. You're happiest in situations where you can make your own decisions, and nobody else is telling you what to do. Instead of hanging out with people who dress and act exactly like you, you probably prefer to spend time around people with varied interests. You don't take it personally if someone disagrees with you – it's fun to argue with friends once in a while!

3nodding No dissagreeing on THIS
What's Your Dorm Personality? Result: You're the non-stop partier Nobody can party 24/7 all semester long, but you're giving it your best shot. You'll always choose a party over a good night's sleep, because you can catch up on sleep later – in class, if necessary. Your roommate probably loves that you're not around much, even if he/she complains when you stumble in noisily at 3 a.m. From freshman orientation to your senior thesis, college life is full of stressful things, but you're determined to spend the next four years partying that stress away.

>.> So... y'know... I just like to take it easy thats all...
Whats Your Place In ShowBiz? Result: Director If your quiz answers are any indication, you've got a powerfully creative mind, and just enough charisma to get people to do what you want them to do (without needing to hog the spotlight). Those are the qualities that could make you a great film director. And since all the actors are always saying they really want to direct, that puts you in a pretty sweet spot.
<Too tired to add my patch here...>
As long as I get to write! ^^
Its like, almost 1am so I've gotta go to bed I've I'm gonna be up at noon tomorow xd . . .
Okay, now for what happened at the fireworks show. My village does this same thing EVERY YEAR, but for the past few years, they've started handing out those really cool glowy necklaces. These things are great, normally my friends and I break them and cover ourselves in the toxic glowy chemicals!!! ^^ Great Fun!!! This year though, theres a 12 and under limit for getting one. sad suckage so I'm standing there, begging for just ONE glowStick and the girl is all like, "no I cant..." so I say; "just say you got mugged, no one has to know..." Me trying to act cute... -lol- She gives in eventually and I'm like "score!" Five minutes into the show, and my friends and I are already yelling comments, when this guy comes around with more GlowSticks. I have the first on on my ankle and figure it needs a friend. I yell "hey can I have a glow stick?" He looks at my ankle and says "no, you already got one" (Simply No hesitation in my next remark) "But I need another one for my little brother!" "where is he?" "he's at home" "oh, okay" And he hands me another. Chris looks over at me shaking his head. "Youre an only child..." I go "I know... so if anyone asks, your little bro is MY little bro" xd I love lies as much as I love GlowSticks.
`Stitches` · Sun Jul 08, 2007 @ 05:33am · 0 Comments |