so its almost time for school and the closer it gets the more nervouse i am getting but something threw me completly off balance. my ex the one from the first couple of entrys just called me the day before yesterday and asked me how i was doing. he said that he mossed me. thank god i lost signal because i didn't know what to say but then he called yesterday and started asking me about my summer and he told me that he had a new girlsfriend in adelanto. that surprised me because we had always said we weren't into long istance relatioonships. but non the less i wasn't going to trip over it. but her just kept talking to me like we had never stopped talking. my phone dropped the call finally after 30 minutes and he hasn't called and honestly i'm glad. i mean i don't want to be his friend. he was cheating on me and i'm not in to being friends with a liar.
but on to better news my friend monesha came back from her das house. she goes every summer and i am so glad she is back. she had great news she daid that she's been saved and has accepted christ as her savor. but honsestly i thought she had already done that. but i'm happy for her she seems tobe really in to her new found faith as a christian and she may be just what i need to get back on the right track to my faith as well.
well nothing else to report here so i'll see you all later bye
if any one really reads these i wish someone would pm me and let me know
foreverfine Community Member |