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Confessions of A Confused Bystander
Eh, me. Can't get more descriptive with that, now can we?

I did some journal snooping of my own and found this little WIERD quiz that makes your ego either blossom or burn and die. It was on "Mideval's" journal, so all credit goes to him! Thanks, dude! You are truly, an American Hero. How are you supposed to know any of these anyway? xp

Am I sweet?-
Am I crazy?-
Am I lovable?-
Am I funny?-
Am I psycho?-
Am I annoying?-
Am I a good person?-

2)******Would You******
Hug me?-
Miss me if i was gone?-
Listen to my problems?-
Hug me if i cried?-
Be a good friend?-

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?-
Do one thing with me it would be?-
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?-

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do u like about me?-
What do u hate about me?-
What is my best quality?-

1. Who are you?-
3. Are we good friends?-
4. Do we know each other in real life?-
6. Is my avatar hot? (0_o)-
7. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you!?-

Some questions, yes, where removed. (5 and 2)
It happens.

Now gawk at David Guetta . . . 0_o I'm pretty sure.

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Alexandre Dumas

User Comments: [1] [add]
pixelated - parfait
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Aug 18, 2007 @ 03:03am
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes
5. in a good way yes
6. no
7. yes
1. yes

2. yes
3. yes
4. yes
5. you, know i'm getting very bored of typing the word yes.

1. UuUuUummm... HAPPY DINGO!
2. To keep you from filling that dang trunk! GOD WOMAN! xP
3. whatever it was, blame it on the cat

1. your just plain crazy!
2. being better at everything
3. again, the plain crazy thing

1. EM!
2. Very good! 3nodding
3. ... DUH!
4. ...>.> sure... <.<
5. SURE! ^_____________^

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