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View User's Journal

Just some random stuff that crosses my mind... possibly you will see links to rps and such. But mostly just me and my bad self.
Awesomenest day EVER
Went down to Virginia to visit a friend (Suzy)

Awesome s**t at her house:

Surround sound / big TV room
Stocked fridge
awesome Parents

Then we went and saw the debut performance of "The Bigger Lights"
amazing music Very.. very lou.. WHAT?? DID YOU ASK ME SOMETHING??!! -deaf-

The pic at the bottom of my profile is them.

Yeah so we all moseyed on back to the walgreens (because apparently smoothie king, Starbucks, and Quizznos all close at the same time) And grabbed some sodas.

Then Josh and I sat in the rumble seat (backwards seats where the trunk is supposed to be) And pretended that our glowsticks were microphones, and lip synched to songs while weirding out the passengers of oncoming cars
(One car was full of teenagers, and started bobbing their heads from side-to-side along with us)


Best day ever.