Have you ever had those times, when your heart felt bitter and your life would never get rid of yourself; a cold dark sinner? Did you ever feel like it was all your fault all the time? Did you ever think you didn't deserve this- it was someone else's fault? Have you ever just sat in a corner? With all your sinister thoughts and dreams about that special someone? I'll stab his heart. That guy that hurt you. He can't do this. That girl who deceived you. I'll rip apart the wench's soul! Those people who talk about you just as bad as you talk about them will die, right? It's all their fault after all- they did this to me, right? ...There are no excuses, so shut up.
Have you ever wanted something so bad, but you were scared? Scared that you'd get in over your head again and when your heart turns from warm back to bitter you'd be broken even more? Did you fear that you'd stop breathing? Afraid that you'd be the next person to help the teen suicides toll now? Scared you weren't good enough?
The break up- the heartache -is something that builds stronger and stronger as your desire to be warm; desire to be loved, only to suddenly turn to lust. Our world is filled with people this way that don't seem to really be allowed to be called people. It's an insult. But then again people are people.
People are Humans. Humans are selfish naturally. Our world is almost completely full of itself- eager, tempted, cold. Some are even taking a liking to a bitter metallic taste...Human flesh.
Everyone around us wants to do that- suck us whole of body and spirit into one of them. Once they lap their tongues upon your mind, it won't be even close to being alright. They'll give you thoughts. They'll give you dreams. They'll tear you apart and in between.
Who are they exactly you may ask? They are your shadow, your hell, you satanist self. They are bent on making you burn with warmth; burn with guilty warmth.
...The Great Escape...
Isn't there a way to bipass this hell? Maybe love? That's what I want, but I promise to shun my lust. I want respect. I want to help. But wanting doesn't get me anywhere...
I WILL make a stand.
Saturn Midnight · Tue Sep 18, 2007 @ 12:09pm · 0 Comments |