ok, myodddream wich I still havn't figured out.ok it started off at my brothers friends dads movie rental store. I was a condome deliverer for the store...there isn't really a condom deliverer that was just part of my odd dream>.< anywho, the condoms all had funny things written on the package of them...DON'T ASK...and I was riding my bike and reading them and almost got hit by a car>.< so off I went, I got to my first stop and aparently I knew these people so I stayed and talked for a bit.After talking we desided to go for a bike ride, out of nowhere we got into some odd paintball fight with other people .But the pant balls killed people for some reason...it was weired...lol then I saw a computer-ish person, he was kinda like a holografe or something.I started shooting him, we were in a scrap yard now for some reason lol and I was a truck and he was on the back of a flat bed.I shot him and his upper half vanished but his lower half stayed behind.I felt instantly bad and ran to him.He could still talk for some odd reason so Isat and talked to himfor a few hourse...we ended up having sex(Weired a** dreams>.< wink and while we were having sex I his face kept appearing and disapearing...eventually that part ended and I was with some "bad" kids in a parking lot.We started goofing around and shuch and then went to the window of a resturant.There was some "preppy" group in there, some like country club type thing.We were on a fire truck thing and making it bash into the side of the resturant, we hit abutton and the doors all opend and everyone ran out.Then I was sitting with the "Preps" having dinner.Then som1 camin and asked myname, when I toldher she stoped being so frantic and had a worried look on her face she then said "Your mother was in a car accindent 6 hourse ago and died in the hospital 40 minutes ago from a kidney related thing she was kept alive for a few hourse on life support but she was a vegitable so her bf took her off."I asked why I couldn't of said goodbye first. She said that my mom wouldn't have known I was there. I told her I understood that and that me saying goodbye was more for me than for her.And she proceeded to tell me that it wouldn't have made a difference if I said goodbye, and I proceeded to said that it would make a difference to me!But she was gone and I was in a car with my moms bf.I sat with my head leaned up agains the window of the car crying.Thinking of how my moms was gone...I wokeup crying...stiuped dreams...
dark_female_assassin Community Member |