So, yesterday, December 9th my mom was on her way to McDonalds.. Well, she was scraping the frost off her car so she could go. While she was out there scraping the windows she heard this kitten crying. And she looked next door, and there was this orange kitten curled up against the empty apartmet building trying to get warm (Keep in mind it's like 12* outside, and was 5 the night before.) My dog had been going CRAZY for the past three nights, but we couldn't figure out why. But since the kitten's been found, he's shut up now. Strange huh? Well, she calls the kitten over and it's so cold that it can barely walk, but it's trying to get to my mom as fast as possible, but when it finally got to her, it was so skinny it was amazing it was even alive. He weights less than a can of peas, he was under my grandma's electric blanket for several hours before he was even NEAR being warm. And he was so hungry that he started eating dog food when mom sat him in front of the food bowls. (Now that's a hungry kitty!) Well, he slept for HOURS, and hours yesterday and when he'd wake up, he'd be crying and then he'd fart. Well, this morning, he was crying and crying and then he puked. He had plastic in his stomach. It looked like maybe someone somewhere had given him food on a peice of plastic and he ate that too. But it's outta his tummy now and he's alot better. We called the vet this morning cause last night after he ate, he wouldn't drink. He was here for nearly 18hrs before he even drank or peed. But he's eating, drinking and going potty now. So hopefully he'll make it. smile Here's some pictures of him. He's a cute little guy.

WatchTheSunDie · Tue Dec 11, 2007 @ 12:32am · 0 Comments |