Here's something I didn't include in my previous entry: MAMA MIRABELLE. Isn't it disturbing how she randomly gets up on her two hind legs and starts strutting her stuff? I frankly find it disturbing. The first time I saw her, I sat in shock for about 5 minutes. Her shoulders were oblong. It's scary. Very. Then there's the whole thing how even the zebra and leopard call her 'Mama'. But then again, I can't complain because being asian, I call random people who aren't even related to me 'uncle', 'aunty', 'grandma' and so on. I even have a nephew who's several years older than me and he's not even the kid of one of my siblings. Weird how the world works. But back to Mama Mirabelle. I have one word that sums the whole thing up; DISTURBING.
 I also find rap quite disturbing. I don't even get what people are saying half the time. I hear a few scatter of words and then the rest is foreign. Yeah, you're probably thinking 'WTH? Aren't you fluent in English bozo?" And my reply is; 'Yes. Yes I am.' But I hate rap. I absolutely HATE it. Ask me to name some rap artist and I'll punch you're face in. But what's more scary is Chinese rap. I heard someone rapping in Chinese and let me say, that was foreign too -_- Yeah, I'm fluent in Chinese too but he just kept going and going and going. He spoke so fast I couldn't make head nor tail of the whole thing. People in Chinese movies speak so fast too. Why?! Speak at a normal rate that I can understand! This is because I cbs reading subs anymore. My eyesight is failing me so it hurts to read such small script crying I feel like an old woman...
PANDORK · Fri Feb 01, 2008 @ 05:58am · 4 Comments |