Name: Amanda
Birthday: 04-21-93
Birthplace: Calif
Relationship Status: Taken
Tattoos: None
Piercings: One on each earlobe, but I rarely wear earrings now. sweatdrop Whatta waste!
Current Location: Here
Lefty or Right: Righty.
Miss Anyone: I can't tell you. ninja
Love Anyone: mhmm
Current Mood: Semi-perky
Current Clothing: Casual. totoro sweatshirt with jeans on right now.
Current Hair: 2 inches below shoulders
What Do You Smell Like: Dove shampoo.
What Should You Be Doing: Homework... sweatdrop
Food: Pokcy! :3
color: Green
Animal: Panda ><
Flower: Lily
Person: My best friends smile
Saying: Don't assume, you'll only make an a** out of you and me
Type Of Music: Rock
Song: S.O.S.
Artist: Jonas Brothers
First Crush: Nick...I still kind of like him...I think.
First Kiss: Non yet.
Ever Been In Love: Yes..
Still Are With That Person: Yes...
Believe In Love At First Sight: not really...but with Nick, sort of yeah...
Believe In The One: Err
What Did You Like Most About Your Ex: He's really nice, and just my type
What Did You Hate Most About Your Ex: he wasn't on a lot. gonk
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown/ Black
Hair Style: A nice amount of hair, no buzz cuts or baldies.
Height: Tall
Body: Average?
Facial Hair: None please... talk2hand
Tattoos Piercings: None please...
Hot or Cute: BOTH1 xd
How Often Should They Call: almost everyday!
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