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Nicolie olie olie o
Well, my Hom-e G's the time has come.
see aneko i am going to make yer story...and you thought i wouldn't....
well if you dont like my story thats ok...because everyone has a right to be opinionated.....
Guess what chelsea if yer only allowed to go only a little bit to yer you know what!! sux.....
Well remember if anyone wants a certain story line...tell me!!

Hi remember me? Im know aneko from the story.... you know that aneko...Well as you know i was killed by my best friend,Itami... but heres wat happenend next...

............Im laying on the cold hard know dead....pushin up daisy's....kickin the bucket...Do i have to spell it out for you?...Im...say it with me... D E A D ...and maybe 2 or 3 days past..i don't am i supposed to know? people expect to much of me...well as i was saying before i was so rudly interupted...i was layin there dead when some how i felt a strong and mistical feeling...and then suddenly i am sitting straight up...and staring at an old know a smely old man with lots of back hair and no teeth...he kinda reminded me of my...great great great great butt pichin, nose pickin, no good dirty rotton pig stealin,bobby loo ho the worlds weirdest necromance!!...then i relized it was my...great great great great butt pichin, nose pickin, no good dirty rotton pig stealin,bobby loo ho the worlds weirdest necromance!! i said "Hey .great great great great butt pichin, nose pickin, no good dirty rotton pig stealin,bobby loo ho the worlds weirdest necromance! what are you doing here?!?" and he looked up at me and said "I dont know?*shrugs*"and he started makin out with my foot!!!!!! and i screamed "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!!!" and i ripped my foot away and let out a can of butt woop on him...and might i say he didn't stand a chance..i have a black belt in k-ar-a-ta!..."hmph"...i walked away and he was still there lauin on the ground bleedin his guts know the red gunck thats all gushy and mushy and bushy...and tastes like ketchup...well as i was saying....

..............i walked out of the store still wondering how im alive when suddenly my "i hate itami" sense kicks in...and i sensed that she is on the southern end of i started at a sprint...and my sense keep moving i didn't know why so i kept runnin around in circles..little ones like mini donutes...hmm...donuts...yumm...ok o as i was sayin...i kept runnin around until i came upon a strand had graffiti all over was a know the writing thats all over stuff its putt ther by vandals...ha ha...vandals are hot...kool...well i went into the graffited building and what i found inside was....
CANDY AND DONUTES!!!!!....KOOL.... Iwas runnin around trying to find out wat i should eat first when i heard a minicle know the one that evil dudes do..its like there evil trade mark...

OK im back....

..............its like there evil trademark.and i twurled around..just like a know the ones that stand on there tippy toes and dance..and where there hair up in a perrdy know those ballarina's...well i will continue...
and i saw the most evil, breath taking, and ugly thing i've ever seen!!!!! was....*da da da dunnnn* was.....itami...*da da da dunnn*..and she was with axel.....*da da da dunn*....she disgusted kno like how brocali hates children and how dogs hate cats and cats hate mice and mice hate bugs and bugs hate people and people hate children and children hate know all that good stuff......well as i wa saying....i hate her guts and she hated was a circle of hatered!!!!!.....and we both loved axel...ooohhhh axels sooo hot...i love...him...ooohhhh ahhhh...hes soo hot...i kould just eat him up....
Axel is our life and soul....with out him our life is pointless.... i looked up at Itami and Itami looked down at me we exchanged looks for about..hmm....10 minutes maybe....and then Itami jumped of the stairs she was on and walked straight up to me...and she slapped me...and i punched her...and it was an all out fight until....I pulled out the bloody dagger Axel killed me with and plunged it through her heart...and she fell to the ground...almost...almost i pulled her up by her hair and showed her to axel..."Is this wat you want a half dead it..answer me dammit!! should chose wisly or someone else might get hurt...You chose..You pick me you might live happy...but if you chose her....well i think you know what its yer chose....ME OR HER".....and axel opened his mouth and....

WELL thats my need to finsh it..wat dop you think will happen and if you guess it right you will win 300 gold....sorry i dont like to give away money...there can be only one winner....and wouldl it kill you to add a little humor?!?!


Thanks fer readin my story!

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jul 28, 2005 @ 10:48pm
okies nichole....................

and axel opened his mouth and.........

laughed.he laughed!!that dirty rotten no good cheaten sunnova twinkie laughed!!!!
"very nice aneko!" he said walking up to me "i like em..........fiesty......."itami,who was,unfortunaltly,half alive,reached oyt and grabbed axels shirt"a...axel..i thought we..."axel grabbed her from me and tossed her across the room'you thought wrong!!'he themn wlaked up to me and hugge me'i new you would win,my dear evi little angel aneko!!1'i hugged him back and smiled "me to!"

ha in yer face i won!!!i won i won i won!!and whats this axel crap about anyway nichole,hhhmm???

commentCommented on: Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 04:34am
well i wanted you to win the guy...and i am gonna wait till tomarrow to find the winner if anyone else posts....

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Aug 01, 2005 @ 05:02am
nicole!!!!! ya i thought the last story was bad but this how could stoop so low?????you just wait nichole i will get u!!!!!!!!!!!*rolls on floor laughing*aneko kill me? ya right! but whatever floats ur boat.........and nolan says that ur hott and nick hes a loser get over him ok?

((ok im done ranting if the story wasnt about me i would like it better))

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 01, 2005 @ 09:51pm
huh...whos nolan? not low i was just anwering a request...ya right you'll never get me....

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