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ravings of a mad man
i am wraithtaker!!!! i am a writer and dreamer. dream big and your income aint small
episode 2
Himeko: What the hell happened?

Caboose: I cut the red one.

Everyone at once: SON OF A b***h!!!

Sarge: Gimme back my shotgun! *charges himeko*

*Yellow robot gets in the way* Hey buddy back off!

Sarge: Outta my way pipsqueak!

Metabee: Oh no he didn't. You askin for it now man! ki ki ki ki ki! *shoots off a shower of bullets at Sarge*

Griff: I've waited for this for so long.

Church sad to Caboose) Whose side is he *points at Griff* on?

Metabee: *standing on top of Sarge* you want some more?!

Himeko: Naruto go stop him!

Naruto: How?!

Himeko: Who cares?! Now get your butt in there!

Naruto: Kage bunshin no jutsu! *Four shadow clones appear*

Metabee: OH, so you want a piece of me too? kikikikikikiki! *blasts away at naruto, making his clones disappear and naruto runs*

mystery voice: what's going on here?

Metabee: Nice of you to show up, Rokusho!

Rokusho: I got here as soon as i could dammit!

Metabee: You get emo while get the pink guy?

Rokusho: agreed.

Himeko: what am I, invisible?

Metabee: *chasing Donut* Come on and fight me! *Donut gets in the Warthog turret*

Donut: Fine!

Metabee: Kiss your bot goodbye!

Church: I can't believe I traveled into the future for this war.

Rokusho: *Hammerfists Sasuke* Stay still so I can beat you!

Sasuke: Fire flower jutsu! *shoots fireballs at Rokusho while Metabee blows up Donut's Warthog*

Donut: Son of b***h! Doc!

O'mally: Don't do it you fool!

Sarge: oh jesus, It's gettin dark in here! Simmons tell my wife I love her. *sarge turns into a ghost*

End of episode 2

Tex: Say hello to my little friend *aims rocket launcher at Metabee*

Metabee: Oh kiss your bot goodbye! *fires off 2 seeker missiles at Tex and she becomes a ghost too*

Tex ghost: son of a b***h....