Rain beats down.
Dawn was three hours away and rain.
The birds sensed it all night along the way
From the tree of big leaves and fell silent
Sleep was transience reminder, symbols,
I and the birds slept little, a few bird winks
Interspersed with dreams and fears in sleep-
In fat shirts and funny, transience reminders-
Earthen pots of bones, that left a belly pain;
Beauty tokens emerged in luminous leaves,
Some praises of beauty, some let-me-downs.
The rain is now here, prohibiting walks-
I deliciously key-board happy at sunless six.
The train hoots did not pierce the morning
The snails walked my garden up and down
Quietly like nobody's business and I am back
At the key-board amid faint heart-murmurs.
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Yes this does have some of my older work in it, but it is mostly facts and history.