He sits on the floor of his room rocking back and fourth slowly scratching another line into the wall. His eyes are wide open, fearing the presence that lurks in the atmosphere. His mind is full of fear: fear of the new, fear of the old, fear of the world and all thats within it. Faint footsteps could be heared out in the distant of the halls.
He sits on his floor rocking back and fourth a bit faster and scratching on the wall, his heart picking up speed. His mind races and his eyes search the wall, wondering who had enetered the gray house. The footsteps grew louder, faint laughter could be heared and the clanging of metal.
He sat on his floor rocking back and fourth faster. His eyes as wide as possible, brows shaking, and scratching harder into the wall. "Who could this be?!" "Why are they here?!!" The foot steps hit the floor as loud as his heart was hitting his ribs. He heared more laughter and the sound of feet slamming against doors to force them open. "Whhheeerrrreee arrrrreeeee yoooouuuuuuu he he he" He sat on his floor rocking back and fourth like pushing full force on a rocking chair. He scratched on the wall more rapidly; his finger nails beginning to hurt and his eyes raced across the wall fearing the noise more and more. He began to sweat. The footsteps grew angry. They stomped the rooms around screaming and shouting. Voices were crying and pleading. A babies cry rang like a siren in the storm but was silenced quickly with another angry stomp from the footsteps.
He sat on the floor of his room Rocking back and fourth less hard but more rapid. His fingers scratching at the wall, leaving thin lines of red. Sounds louder than the feet wrang through the hall BAMB BAMB BAMB! HE clasped one hand over his ear and shoved his shoulder into the other. The sounds were so loud they silenced screams of the others in there rooms. "He he he, where are you, you fearful man!"
He sat on the floor of his room rocking back and fourth, scratching at his wall, the lines of red grew thicker. His eyes raced faster and faster double vision began to set in and his eyes blurred from sweat rolling into them. His mouth panted harder and harder. The foot steps were close to his door, they rang in his ears louder than any other sound that was made within these past few minutes "WHERE ARE YOU!!!!" The door across from his was kicked down and he heared his friend screaming and pleading for his life "Wait! Wait! Dont kill me plz!" He heared his friend pleading for his life "Wait!Wait! He's across the hall" His friend pointed vigorously at the door to his room. "Plz Plz he over there-just right there" His friend began to cry harder and harder. "YOU MAKE ME SICK!!!!" His friend looked up at the footsteps and crumbled to the ground as a loud sound went off through his head.
He sat on his floor no longer rocking back and fourth. HIs eyes fixed in place. HIs brow stuck in a hightened position. The sweat coming out of his body flowed like a stream. His finger scratched the wall ripping the fingernail off. The door creeped open. The footstep stared through, smiling at the back of his head. The footstep threw the door open, slamming the door knob through the wall. He turned his head slowly, just a bit to see the footsteps. HE saw a crowd of black footsteps crowding in his room, all with gleaimg red eyes, smiling back at him in horrible looks. One footsep came forward from the crowd and put a hand on his shoulder. The footstep giggled at him and said, "this wont be over soon"The footstep tightened its grip on his shoulder and yanked him flat on his back. The footstep jumped on top of him cutting him with the knife in his other hand. The other footsteps joined in. Punching and kicking him. His visioned blurred and saw fist after foot after fist flying at him. His boddy was in extrutiating pain. He screamed out at the top of his lungs. Tears flew from his eyes as blood trickled from his wounds and gushed when another blow landed on his body. HE closed his eyes and curled up trying to dampen the steps but the lead footstep laid him flat and stabbed harder. His eyes stayed shut as the pain in him became so over whelming. HE lost all control of his body and he cried like a baby as wet himself. THis act fueld the footsteps as they hit harder, and kicked faster. His body was turned into nothing but pulp. The footsteps climbed away from the body as he coughed up alot of blood. HE opened his eyes and all he could see was darkness and clouded figures. HE screamed Louder than before now stuck in the one thing he feared the most, darkness. He cried and tried to crawl to the door, the footsteps laughed. HE screamed once again and collapsed on the floor, his clouded vision staring at the cieling. The footstep from before hovered over his limp body and delivered one fatal blow to his head with the knife. His mind stopped racing, His brow relaxed, THe sweat stopped from poring, and his eyes relaxed as he layed dead on the floor of his room, scratching no more.
 Help me get ma Orinkage Plz and help others with their charities in the thread link above.
Peddler · Sat Jul 12, 2008 @ 10:14am · 0 Comments |