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Fanfic I really like to write fanfics about Yu Yu Hakusho. Especially ones that are Hiei related. And I really like Saiyuki as well.

Community Member
My Way, My LIfe
Part 3
Milvika offered you a cup of tea which you kindly drank and listen to her story. “You see my dear kin, your father was the king of and your mother was the priestess that helped your father protected the blade that sealed the world of dark. They were never to love one another because it was foretold that it would bring nothing but chaos and destruction.” She said “And it didn’t come” you replied, “Correct, instead came a child who was very strong and also a great responsibility of keeping the blade from falling into the hands that would open the world of dark and bringing the evil one back. But what your parents didn’t know was that there was already somebody who wanted this power and you who could control this blade without being destroyed.” As you finished your tea Koro came in with a basket of new clothes. “Taeya I thought that this would make you feel more comfortable since you’ll be staying for awhile” he said setting the basket done and heading out the door. “Milvika, would this person or demon happen to have short blonde hair and blazing red eyes?” you ask “Yes, the man you speak of was someone your parents trusted with everything but somewhere along the lines something went wrong and he grew evil and wanted nothing but power and the destruction of all three worlds.” She replied. “I see, I see him in my nightmares of when my home was attacked. In my last dream I heard a voice saying I need to awaken the rest of my energy to regain what was taken from me.” you say “I wish I could tell you more dear kin, but I know nothing more.” she said. Milvika showed you to the room your mother once stayed a long ago when she was pregnant with you. “I will see you tomorrow dear kin” she said before shutting the door. You change into some pjs that Koro left you and went to bed. You wake up the next morning hearing bells and some monk chants. You slowly get up and change into some other clothes that Koro left you and you put the ones you wore yesterday back into your bag. You head back to Milvika to let her know that you were leaving, for some reason she new that you were leaving and gave you a couple of your mothers journals and a photo album. “Thanks Milvika now you made me feel bad that I didn’t bring any gifts” you say sarcastically. “You don’t need to feel bad dear kin….Before you go I must tell you this, if you ever need to disappear, come here, no evil may step foot in this temple unless I wish it.” she said “Well I feel loved” you say. As you finished your goodbye’s Milvika opened up a portal back to spirit world and you step through. You walked in just as Koenma was telling the guys about a mission. “Damn, I have to good of a timing sir.” you say “Well at least now I feel better that I have somebody who will get the job done right” he said. “Now Koenma don’t make my cousin and Yusuke look like morons” you say Kuwabara and Yusuke both tried to hit you but you ended up reversing to make them hit each other. Hiei just smirked and Kurama tried not to laugh. “I don’t need a fill in baby face, I want have this new start right now.” you say. “Taeya I wanted to tell you but I had to wait for you to figure most of it out and Milvika to tell you some” he said “I know” you replied. You waited for Koenma to finish with the details of the mission and then you were off. You had to go to the demon world to retrieve a stolen item called Pendant of Dreams. The pendant has the power to let who ever posses it to enter others dreams and change them how they see fit, also it could be used to kill a person in their dreams. “So were are we supposed to be at?” you ask “We are supposed to be near to demon capital were the item should be” Kurama replied, “Well I hate to point out the bad news, but we are nowhere close to the demon world capital” you say getting off of a tree. “Koenma really needs work on this whole portal thing” Kuwabara says. You head into the direction of the capital “Where do you think your going Taeya?” Yusuke asks, “To the capital…..It’s not the first time I’ve been to the demon world” you reply. The guys stood there in shock except for Mace because he is the one who took you to demon world in the first place to get some things. [so how long do you think it will take to get to the capital?] you ask Mace [Not long maybe a day since we are with your cousin and his friends] Mace replies. “Hey if you guys don’t hurry up we’ll leave you here” Mace yells to them. It was a mostly quiet walk for you while the guys talk mostly about guy things that you were interested in but you really are not comfortable talking to them yet. Hiei was walking next to you because the others were talking about girls in bikinis. [You really don’t talk much do you?] he asked [What’s it to you] you reply and walk faster. You stopped near the river and waited for the guys to show up, when they did you already had a fire going, “Why don’t we set up camp here.” you say. “I’ll get some things to make the tents, Kurama, Yusuke, and Kuwabara would you help.” Mace asked. They nod and left, “Hiei would you be so kind and help me gather more fire would” you ask. “If I must” he replied “Or would you rather have a friendly little fight” you say, Hiei looked at you with a confused look and you slowly walk towards him “I know you’ve been dieing to fight me. I can feel it by the way you react” you whisper in his ear. Mace and the others return with lots of stuff to make the tents. Mace stared at you and gave you the look that always made you happy. [What are you scared that I’m going to hurt him?] you ask. [No, I just don’t think now is a good time] he replied, [But right now he is just itching for it. He gives the vibe I just adore]. Mace walks up to you and whispers “fine just don’t over do it” you nod and leave motioning Hiei to follow. The others notice and Mace told them you guys where just going to get some more fire would and maybe some fish. You and Hiei walked till you both thought you far enough. “Any rules that you want to declare” you ask. “Just no serious injury or killing, I don’t think Koenma would be happy to have the heir to the 4th kingdom to be dead” he replied “So you knew”, Hiei nodded and got ready. You slowly walked towards Hiei then disappeared and reappeared behind him. He moved out of the way just in time before you cut him in the back. You just stood there waiting for him to come out of hiding, he reappeared in front of you and tried to get you with his katana but you blocked it by catching it with your hands. Hiei looked at you shocked and you took advantage to kick him in the side. “Don’t stand there and gock” you say as you dust your hands off. Hiei disappeared and waited a little longer before he attack “Trying to get me steamed” you say as you charged at him and pinned him to a tree. “You need to learn not to leave yourself open” he said. You look to see his katana to your throat “And you need to learn to study more fighting tactics” you say as he sees your Cresent Blades on his neck and one arm. “Leaving yourself open brings new tactics to try and builds character.” You say “And having very little fighting tactics brings interesting combo’s” he replied. You remove the blades from him and he sheath his katana, you both were about to jump off the tree but the branch gave way and you both fell. When you opened up your eyes, Hiei was on top of you and your faces were inches away from touching. Neither one of you moved from the position. [Why does he look at me like that. Does he even know what he’s getting himself into just by knowing me] you thought. There something about his eyes that you just adore and you can’t stop looking at them it’s like your searching for something in him. Hiei starts to lean in closer to you and you start to close your eyes as he gets closer just barely away from kissing him. Then your lips touch and the kiss starts to deepen. His hands start to move done to your hips and you arms around his neck and your hands are playing with his gravity defying hair. He breaks the kiss as Mace pops out of the bush. Hiei helps you up and you both grab some fire wood [did you see anything?] you ask him [no, I just came because the others were kind of getting worried] he responded. Hiei and Mace headed back to camp before you followed you touch your lips and thought about the kiss. When you returned Yusuke and Kuwabara were already asleep in there tent “We thought you would like to have a tent to yourself since you’re a girl” Kurama said “Thanks for the thought, but I really don’t mind sharing do I Mace” you say “I told you Kurama, don’t worry I’ll protect you” he said “I think I will take that tent for myself after all just to be safe from that idiot” you say. You put some wood on the fire and just laid back to look at the night sky. “I’ll keep watch first and when I get tired I’ll wake somebody up to take the next shift” you say “Are you sure?” ask Kurama “Yes, I don’t want any of you coming into the tent to wake me up” you say the guys turned away and blushed. Kurama and Mace went into one of the tents and went to sleep and Hiei left camped to get more fire wood. [What was I thinking, why did I kiss him?] you thought [I don’t want this to happen again, I don’t want to have some one I care about to die again. That’s it, I just got to stay away from Hiei. It’s for the best]. When Hiei returned he sat be you but didn’t say a thing. “Did you enjoy the little fight” you say looking into the flames “Indeed” he replied. It was mostly quiet till you looked at Hiei who turned to look at you. “Hiei you should get some sleep, if you don’t you’ll regret it” you say [Man this is stupid but why do I care for him.] you thought “Is something wrong?” he asked “No, just thinking” you replied. “I’ll see you in the morning” he said heading into the same tent that Kurama and Mace went in. You stare back into the flames and thought about the dreams that you have had lately and what Milvika told you. “Mom was priestesses who help my father protect the blade that sealed the world of dark.” You said to yourself “So the world of dark must be the Dark Realm” you continued. “The blade must of went missing since the dark realm reopened or somebody with great power open it up again, because I tend to go there a lot when I am in a bad mood.” As you stared into flames you heard a noise in the bushes, you threw a knife into the bushes and a owl came out. The owl looked like it had a broken wing so you carefully walk over to it and held out your hand. “Its okay, I won’t hurt you” you say gently, the owl looked at you then came to you and hopped on your hand. “Can I see your wing” you ask the owl. The owl looked to its wing at tried to hold it out. You carefully touch the owl’s wing. You hear somebody come out of the tent, “Is there a problem?” Hiei asked. “No it’s just an owl, I think its wing is broken. I was just about to check.” You reply. Hiei sat right by you as you mended the owl’s wing. As you were mending it you ended up yawning. “Why don’t you go to bed, I can keep watch for a while” he said “No I want to stay out side” you reply. When you finished the owl went to your shoulder and tapped your head, then you heard [thank you priestess and princess of the 4th kingdom] you stood back in shock as the owl told you this. “What?” Hiei asked “This owl just talk to me” you say [My name is Raya, not this owl] she said. You just stared at the owl and didn’t say anything and Hiei was looking kind of strange. [okay I’m over the shock, but can we talk some other time] you tell Raya. Raya nodded and disappeared into your tent. “I’m head to bed” you say. When you got up Hiei grabbed you and wouldn’t let you go. You just stared back at him “Are you scared to let them know who you really are.” He said “Since you know some much about me, you should understand why I can’t. I have to protect the worlds from the dark realm and not think about individuals so what ever you think happen between us two just forget about it. I don’t want to feel close to anybody, I don’t even want to be around myself.” You say pushing him away from you. “And don’t think about following me. You say grabbing Raya out of your tent. [I can’t believe that he was inside my mind this whole time. The nerve] you think stomping off. [My dear lady, please be considerate about him. He must be thinking that you never think about yourself and the individuals that you involve] Raya said [I’ve been watching you for some time now. Well ever since you started having dreams about that dreadful night] she continued. “Raya do you think I’m being stupid, you know like leaving by myself?” you ask [no, but I think you need to be alone for awhile, and I’m with you so don’t worry] she said. You petted her head as thanks and continued walking to you just wanted to sit against a tree and sleep. You wake up the next morning hearing the guys yelling out your name. You stretched and walked towards the capital blocking your mind and leaving marks to let them know that you have been here. Raya is asleep on your shoulder so you were moving carefully not to wake her. As you walked father and father away from were you were, the guys voices were getting quieter [Mace just follow the marks. I need some time away from a certain somebody] you say [you sure about this. I heard the fight between you and Hiei] he ask [positive] [okay, don’t wonder to far ahead.] [got ya]. You closed your mind back up so Hiei couldn’t use it to catch up to you. It was a very peaceful walk. You just couldn’t stop thinking about what Hiei said to you and what Raya told you that he probably was trying to say you should think about yourself for awhile. [Idiot, I think of myself and every time I do I hate myself even more, but I guess its okay to hate yourself though]. Raya woke up because she heard your thoughts [So you understand a little he was talking about don’t you my lady] you look at Raya and nod “But I don’t want to feel close to him” you say. You sit down by a river and waited for the guys to catch up because you believed you calmed sown a bit. When they caught up they, Kuwabara and Yusuke got all mad at you and Kurama just ask if you were okay. [so are you calm] you hear Hiei ask [just shut it. If you know whats good for your well being you’ll stay out of my business] you reply and start walking again “Hey Taeya wait up” Yusuke yells. “Hey where’d you get he owl?” Mace ask. Raya jumped on Mace and began to peck at him, “That owl is name Raya and she’s my new friend” you reply grabbing Raya off [be nice to him.] you tell her [sorry I just didn’t like his attitude nor do I like Yusuke’s and Kuwabara’s] [well go ahead and give them a good peck or two] you said. You place Raya on Yusuke and she began to peck him. You notice Hiei smirk but turned away as soon as he notice your gaze. “Idiot” you say to him and continued walking. You reached the capital after noon and you were all pretty tired. [My dear lady why don’t we find a place to rest] Raya said [Agreed] you hear Hiei [Hiei get out you jackass] you yell. Hiei fell back because you accidentally sent a mental wave to him that hurt. “Opps” you whisper “”I think I’ll go find a place to rest for the night” you tell the others then run off. [I hope he’s not mad.] you thought [Oh I think he mad alright, I can sense him following you with lots of anger] Raya replied [not very good]. You suddenly stop in a shock when you saw some that look very familiar, that guy was in your dream, the one who destroyed your life and sent you into the dark realm just to kill you. You felt something run into you but you didn’t even move because you were to scared to move. He moved closer and closer to you smiling, you felt Hiei shaking you “Move you idiot unless you want to be caught.” he yelled. It felt as if you couldn’t move , everything was flashing in your mind [you like what you see] you hear him say, you clutch your head and start to go down “Stop it.” you say. Hiei stands infront of you with his katana unsheathe “You will not touch her” he said “And you think you can protect this moster” the guy replied “Hiei don’t” you say getting up “What is you name traitor of my throne” you ask “My name my dear is Sumizome” he said. It was really hard for you to stand up because you were still seeing images of what he has done. “That is only a small portion of what I have done to find you my love” he said. “Your sick.” you reply. You call out your Cresent Blades and ran towards Sumizome. He smirked an dodge your attack and slapped you across the face. You ended up catching off guard and sliced his eye. “Consider this a present for the curse you gave me.” You say. “I do like a girl with spunk” he said “But sadly you have a lot to learn and I guess the only way to learn if I make you mine” he said punching you in the gut. You fell to the ground and everything begun to go dark [No. I have to find the Pendant of Dreams] you thought. “Looking for this” he said holding the pendent up. Yours and Hiei’s eye’s grew wide, “I’ve been using it all this time to bring you to me.” He said. Sumizome walked closer to you. You tried to move but you couldn’t “What you can’t move. Oh that’s right your caught in my little trap” he said. Hiei runs towards Sumizome but he pushes Hiei to the side. Sumizome picks you up by your throat “No watch as I kill the man that you love like the one before” he said as he picks up Hiei and throws him “Stop it you monster” you say grabbing the pendent and kicking him in the face. You run over to Hiei to find him unconscious. Sumizome smirks “Know you have nobody left to protect you” he says. Then you see a blue light come from behind and hit Sumizome. “About time Yusuke” you yell, “Are you guys alright?” Kurama asks “To a point” you reply. “I will get you my dear priestess and princess” Sumizome saids before he disappears. “What does he mean?” Kurama asks. “Lets just go home” you say picking yourself up [Raya did you go get the others?] you ask [yes, I thought that man would of got you for sure] she replied. A portal opened right by you and you stepped through. “I’m sorry I didn’t know that he was behind it?” Koenma said “Its okay here’s your pendent” you say tossing it at him. The others just came through as you walked out the door. [My head hurts some much. Oh well, nothing aspirin can’t cure] you thought as you head to your room in the spirit world. You open up the medicine cabinet and take a couple aspirin’s then head to bed. [Are you alright my lady?] Raya asks [yeah nothing that aspirin can’t cure] you reply. You fall onto a deep sleep all the memories past through your mind at once but began to go through much more slowly and you felt a little a peace with yourself. ~Hiei’s POV~ Taeya just left the room as you and the others came through the portal. “Good job everyone” Koenma said “Is Taeya going to be alright, she seemed to be in pain” Kurama said “Don’t worry she’ll be fine, she probably went to bed. Because she’d tired from today” Mace replied. Koenma opened a portal for the others and they left for home. Koenma tossed you the pendent “Go ahead and see what she’s dreaming but if you get caught, I’ll just say you stole it which won’t look good on your record” Koenma said and turned his chair around “hn” you said. You headed down the hall and search for Taeya [The baka, why did she freeze like that.] you asked yourself. You sense Taeya in pain so you headed in that direction but in now hurry because you felt that she was relaxed some how. You enter her room the see Raya watching her sweat in her sleep. [What so you want?] Raya asked [I want to see her dreams] you reply [Are you sure you want to see her fears and pain? Do you think you can handle what she has been through forbidden child?] she asked. You stood back in shock because Raya just called you the forbidden child. [how did you know that] you ask [I was a friend of your mother] she replied [If you think you can help my lady than do. I don’t want her to go on like this] Raya said. You close your eyes and concentrate on Taeya’s mind. ~in Taeya’s dream~

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