You know I get it. Moderators are "the man" and we can't be trusted.
But I think...just maybe I have an idea how hacking reports are processed, handled, and dealt with.
I'm not an idiot. I'm not bad at this job. And every time some user screeches about investigation needing to be done I want to just want to cry. I should take pictures of what my notepads used to look like that I kept when doing hacking reports (the information that I can now do in tabs alone with some practice). The notepads, seventeen to twenty pages of trade histories and IPs and people not related but got items, etc. that I kept track of for ONE hacking report that took hours. I know the people I work with....the tiny...handful...of dedicated and overworked tireless omni moderators I work with, and I have seen their work and I know they are the same.
It's just so frustrating to always be seen as a liar as someone with less knowledge about how things work, only because someone's best friend said they got banned for moving their penguin slippers to a mule rolleyes . All this when I am as open as possible and far more open than lots of moderators with how things work and what we do specifically.
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Because I Said So
I'm married and have kids. Moderating is often like taking care of a three year old. Who knew?
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