The danger of being bored while one should update the compy's wow to burning crusade, is that one, instead of actually doing that and hitting the bed is that one plays around at tektek.org.
And comes up with this Witch costume :p
Total Value: 270,664 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gimpi 2nd gen.
Gimpi 2nd gen.
Devil Imp Plushie
Dander 2nd Gen.
Wine Gothic Bat Stockings
Gold Lighter
Green Festive Witchling Dress
Festive Witchling Broom
Brown Festive Witchling Hat
Blood Spider Choker
Not entirely impossible. Gotten a few downs at this last edit, and will keep strike the items as I get them smile
Will hopefully get it realised by Christmas :p Only a month late :p But then I can, if I got the items left by then, reinvent it next year :p
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