Name:Angie Race: Wolf/Mage Weakness: Unknown Info: Angie is a mischehievous, curious, daring, adventurous and somtimes childish girl who doesn't know anything about her childhood. Her parents were taken away by soldiers who raided her village and she was left behind In a basket of blankets. Then, shortly after, a pack of curious wolves came and the leader adopted her as his cub. He trained her, and taught her the way of the wolves. When she turned 12 he granted her the power to become one of them. But one day, a witch bumped into her and was jealous of her powers so the witch erased all of her memories and left her with nothing but the clothes she was wearing and the power that remains inside. she has many skills and most are things humans can not do.
This is what her wolf form looks like
this is the cloak she always wears
INtoXiCAteD RosE · Fri Nov 07, 2008 @ 08:51pm · 0 Comments |