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the junk that goes down
this is all the junks that happen to me, and things i really wana tell ppl, but just dont.... THIS IS NOT A PLACE THAT U SHOULD USE TO COMMENT ME. oh... and THIS IS NOT A CHAT!!!!
my dad is a poop
ugh!!! i know this entry is gunna sound like im a teenager... and all complainy and things, but ugh! i really wana hang out with my boifriend paul... but i guess thats not ok. my dad finds all kinds of excuses to make is so i cant be with him. today is the day before vetrens day... and i wanted to hang out @ pauls house after skool... but for some reason my dad didnt think that was ok. cuz i had to come home and do nothing all night. i ended up going to skool with my mom. cuz shes takeing a comp class. but ugh! i wanted to see him so bad, and he didnt have a good reason for me to stay home. he just wanted to be a ho about it. i hope i can hang out with him tomorrow. but im not sure if i can or not.... he has this thing hes doing... he is working on a play... cuz hes hella kool. and its called "a peice of my heart"... it happens to be by a great publisher.... samuel frank... but anyway.. that takes up a lot of us time... and i wanted to get some of that back. oooo.... he had this self hateing moment today, cuz he lost the ring i gave him. it was kinda lyk an engadgment ring. the one he gave me is one size too big, so i though i would go to mervens, and get two matching rings... cuz there haveing a going out of buisness sale...idk. i dont want to be cheep. i love this guy, and i would sell my life to get him one more breath of air......