ok so i went CCBC today and it not as fun as everyone said it was + i had to have william and hunter there the whole time ewww! *throws up* hehe JK! but its true and then the only thing that was good was the food and i got out of class all day (except mod 10) and i had a stupid test that mod and then i have test tomorrow and then i the end of the day i went to get my jacket cuz thats all i had and i went over to jake and i tapped him on the shoulder and he said what i was like oh i get it hes like i thought you were someone else i was like whatever and then this girl came over with this short girl with this fluffy jacket today and was like feel this and he was like no and she pulled his and up and felt it and she was like isnt that soft and he said yes and i was like oh you even get bossed around by little girl and he said i was on my knees i laughed to myself and he was done so we were walking away and then david ran by us were this really funny hat i was like isnt that hat so ugly he was like yea and i said jake dont you have that after school thing today??? and he said yea then i have to call my mom and i said jake ive never met your mom hes like you havent im like yea and then we were at the office we hugged then i left and marie asked me so you too go out yet i was like no (sadly) my stupid parents rules remember she like yea and thats it