Elllllo! Well, lemme tell ya'll this:....i am in a GREAT mood, and i think i know why im not sure though....i THINK its because after 4th period, i went into one of my ol' 7th grade classes to say hi to my teacher, and the this one random chick came up the the coach....( He also teaches Taks Math )..and she looked at me and said " Who is that? "....then my teacher looked at her and said " One of my old Students...shes in 9th grade now though..." then the girl looked at me...and said ".....Shes Pretty....." =3..that made me feel good..^^....( made me feel REALLY good because i thought i looked like crud today..xD ) Anyways..it was a normal day, Other than that... oh! When i was waiting for my mom to come pick me up, after school...me and Marli-chan, hooked arms and started spinning, she was putting so much force on me, i FLEW back..i kept falling! and then..one time i was on the ground, i looked up and Marli helped me up, and when she did, her other hand....GLOMPED...my boob....so i freaked...and fell on the ground LAUGHING..and she did the smae...so we ended up laughing....on the ground...( It was windy outside too, so...) then..when she left i started Dancing with Mandi, and because it was so Windy...we stared like, fake modeling....xD Anyways... This Has Been *Drum roll* ~Jessica's Blog~ I Love You Alex!!! ( Oh! My God! over the weekend, i took a pic of my dog Mi-Mi!!!! Lookies!! )
 ( oh! shes licking her nose!!! ) Awwww!
jess_jess_chan · Mon Dec 08, 2008 @ 11:08pm · 2 Comments |