yes it's true my brain has been sasming a lot lately. I blame all of these video games i got for Christmas.
Rock band for the Wii Although I absolutely love the song selection, the signature graphics, and extraordinary game play, being of the female species i can't help but look forward to the Character creator. But guess what, THERE ISN'T ONE. yes i was deeply disappointed T.T. but the good news is that i just found out that Rock Band 2 (which came out on freaking CHRISTMAS EVE)doe s have one and i ordered it over the mail and i can see the ups guy down the street. YAY
Wii fit all of you who have one make a family member or friend play hoola hoop and video tape them. It's HILARIOUS! >.<
Lucky Star this i a campus comedy anime to all of you who watch it post which girl you are because im definitely Konata by the way you can find the theme song on my profile once i post my playlist: Motteke! Sailor Fuku

You've been given a mental cupcake ninja use it wisely
_Pajamas_On_Wednesday_ · Mon Dec 29, 2008 @ 09:35pm · 2 Comments |