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ravings of a mad man
i am wraithtaker!!!! i am a writer and dreamer. dream big and your income aint small
book 5
Book five!

“What are you talking about?” Valerus was furious. This man was calling himself his brother. He was a demon for god’s sake!
The woman let out a small gasp, as if she knew what was going on. “Are you really him? Are you the boy I named Skie all those years ago?”
“Yeah, mom, about that… looks like I’m gonna have to kill both of ya. Nothing personal, of course, I was given the job to eliminate you, third soul brother.” Every word said with a smile on his face.
“Is this man crazy or something? I was born an only child! My mother died having me!”
“Oh, now isn’t that a coincidence? Mine too, care to explain that Dienastol?”
“What’s he going on about?! Do you know what he’s talking about, miss...”
The woman paused for a short moment, deliberating. “Yes, I am queen Dienastol. I am the true creator of the both of you. I was the one who made the Third Soul.”
Valerus stood, speechless. He barely noticed the glint coming from Skie’s hand as he approached them. Valerus turned on his heel and Skie lunged for their mother. The blade extruded from her back as he stabbed her heart.
“I was already tired of that old goat. Now it’s your turn, little bro.” He took his second lunge and aimed for Valerus’ throat. Valerus crouched and jabbed up with his head into Skie’s chest.
“What…” Valerus could barely sputter the words before finally screaming, “YOU MONSTER! I’LL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND!!!”
Valerus put on his angelic gauntlet. He summoned a lance with godly power that was attached to his hand. He charged Skie, intent on killing him. He missed Skie’s arm by a hair’s breadth with his first lunge.
“I think I’m going to enjoy this! Give me everything you’ve got, little man!” Skie laughed as he flew around Valerus, dancing his way away from each attack.
On his third charge Valerus’ lance made contact with Skie’s shoulder. Blood rushed from the wound, red and fresh, and circled all around Valerus. Skie cried out in agony, his head bent back with his jaw wide open as he screamed.
Suddenly Skie popped his head back forward. “Just kidding,” and he slammed his knee into Valerus’ gut. Valerus flew back, winded, as Skie launched his first wave of attacks. He punched Valerus in a rapid, blinding pace.
Skie readied his last punch, set to kill the unconscious angel. As he came within inches of his chest Valerus’ hand grabs his arm. “Just kidding.”
Valerus broke Skie’s right arm and began his onslaught. He had bruises everywhere and his left arm was completely useless. He flew behind Skie and pulled out his knife. He was quick to crash Skie to the ground before he began the painful process of slowly slicing off his wings.
The tearing of the membrane was sickening to his ears as he drove the knife through the demon’s wings. He completely severed both wings before finally jumping away to avoid the fireball Skie had summoned to attack him.
“I will destroy you for that, pitiful, worthless angel!” Skie roared as he jumped after Valerus, crushing to the ground. “An eye for an eye, a wing for a wing!”
He grabbed the feathery wings of the angel and flat out tore them off. Valerus howled in pain as Skie began to beat him with his own wings. Valerus created a silver orb and enchanted it to attack Skie. It made Skie run off of his back before it dissipated.
Panting and out of strength, the two stared each other down. This next attack would decide everything; it all came down to speed. The two of them focused all their magic, strength, and life force into their fist.
Valerus was the first to move. He charged forward, screaming. Skie mimicked the move and ran headlong at him. They connected, fist to fist. A shockwave emanated from the collision as they both smugly smiled at one another. The shockwave pulsed and increased in power. It kept rising and pulsing before they knew what happened.
The shockwave destroyed everything in its eternal path, even reaching the other universes. The two of them had done it. They had brought about the end of the world. Apocalypse. Armageddon. Ragnarok. They died, smiling smugly for all eternity.