i think tht thee world is cruel. i dnt get why i have to fuwkin write in drama right now. its like a law to shut thee fuwk up right now. im writing this in drama while taking to kaelynn while being quiet...were talking on paper...im so effin bored. now we have a fwe more minutes to write...ima try continue to write in technology cuz i dnt give a s**t about tht class. blah. well yeah...uh 1 more minute of free writing...good, im getting sick of the fuwkn music, im gettin a headache, blah -PAUSE- thts wat it says on thee pic.........okay -PAUSE- okay, fuwk sku. Mrs. Hugo, u b***h. cancel fuwkn sku. if i die tomarro its. all. your. fuwkn. fault! b***h!! -screams- fuwk. i hope i die tomarro cuz if i do, my mom will sue Mrs. b***h. thtll be good because itll be a tiny sacrifice to help everyone in my sku. thts worth it right? a unuseful girls life for happiness for everyone at sku? yeah right? ugh screw it. screw everything. i should go in the water..the beach with 30-40 feet high waves. ********. im venting my anger on a piece of paper. im such a fuwkn loser, talkin to a paper basically. ugh. my frends are telling me not to die. why not. =( fuwk. im guna die eventually, watch tomarro my apartment building will fall down. yay. -PAUSE- [[i wrote all of this on paper but now im just guna say watevr, dnt matter it'll just come to me i guess]] -PAUSE- okay, so im txtn kaelynn..n she said ppl are sayin my sku is cancelled..n im like prayin they are! N IM NOT EVEN CHRISTIAN! hell. crying im soooooo depressedddd.....if sku isnt cancelled tomarro then i will be VERYY depressed..but if we dnt i wnt be......cuz ima see unborn tomarro at nighttime.......so itll be a long wait..........i wanna see tht cuz i saw thee preview n it was freakin creepy but it looks awsum ha..so ya, im waitin for kaelynn to reply n its taken a while cuz shes askin the middle sku dean if skus cancelled...;( okay she replied...she said no more sku =D if theres sku tomarro tho..i might just ditch, i think id like to live on 2nd thought...ha yay..okay bye! peaceeee =)
i-iSh-jUjU · Fri Jan 16, 2009 @ 04:49am · 0 Comments |